Consider Culture in Workplace Design

In the interior architecture industry, every designer has his or her own favorite project. For workplace design, specifically, we all have one space that stands out as a favorite. At McCarthy Nordburg, we don’t just admire the work of others—we create our favorite projects every day. We seamlessly integrate a client’s culture and brand values into a workspace. On the surface, this concept is a no-brainer—every office should be an extension of company culture. However, it is easier said than done. At McCarthy Nordburg, we dedicate time for our design teams to get to know the client’s company so we can do our best to weave its personality into the finished product. Here are three reasons we believe that workplace culture and company brand should be top considerations during the office design process.
  1. Culture and Work Style Go Hand in Hand
Different people—and different companies–often have different work styles. Some people prefer open spaces and collaborative areas while others enjoy the privacy of individual offices. Design should account for these differences. Each company is a unique case that must be considered on its own. Creating a space that aligns with a company’s work style will help employees work together more effectively. It would not make sense to put a highly collaborative team in a closed off workspace that does not allow for easy communication.
  1. Office Design Can Enhance Culture
An office’s design should promote the culture of the company working in it. Does the team like to gather in collaborative workspaces for brainstorming sessions? Do they enjoy socializing with each other during breaks? It is best to integrate culture-building spaces into the design to maintain the current culture and to encourage it to grow. Many companies incorporate gaming areas, sitting rooms and lounge spaces to encourage continued socialization. These spaces strengthen company culture that is exuded in the overall brand.
  1. An Engaging Work Space Increases Performance
It is important for designers to take time to truly understand the company’s brand identity to determine the “personality” that can be integrated into the space. Employees spend 40 hours a week—sometimes more—in the office. As designers, it is our responsibility to ensure that employees are spending that time in a space that helps them do their best work. Our team makes that happen by creating a visual representation of the client’s culture and branding that employees can engage with. When employees are engaged, they are more productive. Research has shown that offices with natural light and offices with artwork on the walls boost employee productivity. A space that balances open work areas with individualized, secluded spaces will be most effective for employees. Check out our work for a look at some of the workspaces we have designed!

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